10 Ways To Make Money Blogging
I have seen a lot of BS artists come and go, but I'm not sure I've ever seen one who compares to guy named Jim F. Kukral. Here's a guy with a weblog ranked 439,979th on Alexa, writing an e-book called "Blogs To Riches" and charging $47 a pop for it, when NOBODY is getting rich blogging with the possible exception -- if your definition of rich is loose enough -- of Andrew Sullivan.
So let a blogger who averages more than 6000 daily uniques per weekday, has an Alexa rank of 35,487, and 20 advertisers currently, give you a little primer about making money via blogging. I may not have any fancy marketing degrees, but then again, I'm not going to charge you $47 to read this post either.
First off, if your primary motivation is to make money, don't bother with blogging. That's not to say that you can't make money blogging, but most people don't and it usually takes a long, long, time to make any serious lucre even if you do. Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about, among political bloggers, I'm going to **guess** that there are maybe 4 or 5 political bloggers right now who could scratch -- and I do mean scratch -- out a living based solely on advertising revenue (Glenn Reynolds, Andrew Sullivan, Josh Marshall, Daily Kos & Atrios). Out of that group, to the best of my knowledge, only Sullivan is really raking in what I think of as big time money with his huge fundraisers. Over time, the blogs getting that kind of traffic and therefore getting those kind of advertising opportunities are going to continue to grow, but for now, the numbers are small.
But, let's cut to the chase and talk about ways to make money blogging.
Amazon: I've tried selling Amazon products before, but really wasn't terribly impressed with them. For